
Showing posts from April, 2019

Assignment Tracker

Assignments Calendar

Wolfman Art - Soundcloud

Cyborg Armor

Astrology and Tarot

Zaria - Turntable

Sweep Modifier and Shell Modifier

Controlling Splines - 3DS Max

Copy/Paste Method - 3DS Max (editing splines)

Spline Refiner - Script

3ds max fundamentals - base mesh

3ds max - creating recesses with splines

With shell modifier, we trace object with line tool

Lathe Modifier for Splines

Shell Modifier - Making plane thick objects

3DS Max - Axis Constraints

R.I.P. Monkey Punch

Border Modelling

Instability of Cut; Paint Connect is more Stable

Slice Plane

Ignore Backfacing - Selecting Faces in Polygon Mode

Combine Objects - Attach 3DS Max

1-5 Hotkeys for Modes - 3DS Max

Top Level - Sub-Object mode


Alignment 3DS Max

Units Setup

Swift loop - Extra Edge

Difference of Cloned Objects - 3DS Max

Chamfer - adding line segment

Select Edge - Ring

CTRL + Backspace - Delete

Rule of 8