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3ds max fundamentals - base mesh

Prior to 3d modelling in 3DS Max as a beginner, I'd let my anxiety always win when questioning how to model something. In my head, there was a war of questions like, "which step should I take?"  or,"is this the right way of approaching the first step?" In part, it was understandable for me to think this way because there is certainly a right and wrong when 3d modelling in this program that requires really accurate thinking with modifiers. I'm also not great with executive functioning so, this didn't help either. But, what I really should have done was get over my worries and try over and over until something clicked.

base meshes are so necessary for almost every complex model with a lot of intricate parts. After this is over, we move onto attaching the intricate parts we used with spline to create the shapes. using shell modifer in combined with turbosmooth, the assets are solid and thickened for use on the model. once this is done, we can take a deep breath that this stage that took up a lot of muscle memory with the modifers is now over.  We can now focus on the material rendering and lighting/shading before everything is said and done.


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