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What is a protoype?

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  • "simulation of sample version
  • sketches, screen layouts

  • "Once a draft of your product idea is in the hands of real users, you’ll finally see how they want to use the product. You can then go back and adjust your initial guesswork."

  • Representation — The actual form of the prototype, i.e., paper and mobile, or HTML and desktop.
  • Precision — The fidelity of the prototype, meaning its level of detail, polish, and realism.
  • Interactivity — The functionality open to the user, e.g., fully functional, partially functional, or view-only
  • Evolution — The lifecycle of the prototype. Some are built quickly, tested, thrown away, and then replaced with an improved version (this is known as “rapid prototyping”). Others may be built and improved upon, ultimately evolving into the final product.


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