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Minecraft - Redstone (hotkeys)

W: Move forward. Double tapping will make the player sprint, as long as the hunger bar isn’t too low and the player is walking on land.
S: Move backwards.
A: Move left.
D: Move right.
Space: Jump. If you’re in creative mode, double tapping space bar will toggle fly mode. Holding space will let you fly higher. Touching the ground or water will turn fly mode off.
Left shift: Sneak. This will almost completely hide your name, which can be useful to hide from people on multiplayer servers.
It will also prevent you from falling off of blocks and will keep you in place when you’re on a ladder. If you’re flying, shift will let you descend. Touching the ground or water will turn fly mode off.
E: Opens up your inventory.
Q: Drops the current selected item in your hot bar on the ground.
Note that you can also use your mouse to drop an item in your inventory by clicking on the item and then clicking anywhere outside of the inventory interface.
Numeric keys (1-9): Selects the corresponding place on the hot bar.
/: The ‘/’ key will open up the chat window.
T: opens up the chat window on multiplayer servers. (for typing in commands)



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