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Minecraft - Redstone

Addition is used - two numbers. 

-the number from the input that us added together

Examples of inputs:

-Redstone Torch

Examples of Outputs

-Sticky Piston/Piston
-Redstone Lamp


Math problem

-any math problem can be considered as input and output

Gumball Machine
Input is turning the knoob after inserting quarter
Gumball is the output coming from the bottom of the machine

Lesson 1 - intro to redstone
-input and output


Shoot the Buttons

Solid block
Wooden button
Redstone lamp

Villager dunk tank

-solid block
-glass pane
-sticky piston
-redstone dust
-redstone torch
-wooden button
-water bucket
-villager spawn

Lesson 2
Clocks/pulsors and resistors

-ask the class what they think the concept of a clock is on relation to an electronic and a resistor
-ask them what a resistor means
-how the cloxk works in the scenario of electronics
Resistor - used to easily electrical current to flow through circuit
Diodes - one way circuits. Allowing a signal to travel in a single direction
Ex: Redstone Repeater
Clocks -
Block Update Device - redstone torches can update a block 2 blocks away

Lesson 3
Toggle flip-flops and counters lesson 3

Counters - are used to count events
-has to happen after a series of events
Toggle flip-flop - a circuit that obtains an an input and toggles the switch state on and off.
Given an input, it will toggle a low output

More platforms - more ease and flexibility of movement

What is good and bad level design?

Lesson 4 and 5
Logic Gates lesson 4 and 5


XNOR - obtains two input
XOR - exclusive OR. Takes in two input. Will only have an output if one of the inputs are on; not all.

Lesson 6
RS NOR Latch

Latch circuit and flip-flop circuit are same thing
A circuit that can be switched between on and off and stats that way until switched again.
Off button is dalled the R or reset input turns circuit off
On button is called the s or set input turns the circuit on

Exporting World Save

--two problems
Inputs and outputs

Class rules
-students have to make superflat worlds

Gamemode: Creative
Generate Structures: Off
World Type: Superflat

Customize > Presets > Redstone Ready > Use Preset > Done

Allow Cheats: On
- students are not allowed to play in multiplayer
-intwracting with another students computer
-students should not talk over one another
-never turn off computer with power button

-checking the amount of space of Redstone thag Minecraft has
-video settongs: "grsphics"

Graphics: Fast
Render Distance: 2 chunks
Smooth Lighting: OFF
Max Framerate: Unlimited
3d Analyglyph: Off
GUI Scale: Normal
Clouds: Off
Particles: Decreased

Use vSynch: On


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