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Minecraft Modding


Purpose of thus class is to instruct students on Minecraft Modding. Develop assets for the game thst they can play with.

MCreator will want to connect to Pylo servers
Most school networks will block this.
reconnecting is crucial
-too many events to mods will cause minecraft to slow down and cause the software to possibly corrupt 
-students to design 2d textures to their 3d mods
Rare bug- text and options to be misaligned 
Transfer files to a new folder
Only solution: start a new mcreator folder with a blank wirkspace. transfer 
Click "export cutrent workspace to mcr file.
Once loaded, click mcreator and click "import MCR file"
-delete old mcreator folder and replace old folder with new folder with original name.

Making mine craft run faster:

Video settings altered to make minecraft run faster: 

Graphics : fast
Render distance: at most 4 chhnks
Smooth lighting: off
Clouds: off 
Particals: minimal
Csybch: off
Use vbos: on
Entity shadows: off

Texture Maker

-layers - types of textures. Adding colors.
-go to "tools" tab to see how students draw in 16×16 space

Sword -texture - item texture

Animated texture


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