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User Research: Analyzing Data

It's not enough just to conduct research. 
You need to do something with it in order to uncover insights.

Analyzing data for research is important because:

-It forces you to consider different aspects of the user experience you may not otherwise have considered.

-Is a way to pull together all of your various research in order to think about it critically.

-It will help teams make more informed design decisions moving forward.

-It can prove your assumptions or hypothesis, or provide an alternative reality (that you may have never expected).

Personas are controversial because they highlight on ideal participants rather than real ones.
Personas usually have a summary or key quote and highlight on the frustrations, needs and goals.

Working team members is important because:

-When you don't actually do something with your research, it's wasted energy and effort.

-Sharing your findings and insights helps keep everyone on the team on the same page and working towards the same goal(s).

-Thinking critically about the data you have collected will give you a competitive advantage as you discover and uncover aspects of behaviors that other companies may not have considered.

-To ensure everyone has a clear definition of what you're talking about.

Large scale affinity diagrams are useful because:

-They examine the relationship of ideas.

-When teams work together it fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

-It's easy to move ideas around .

-Without pre-defined ideas, you're able to work as a team to uncover different themes, patterns and insights.

Spreadsheets are useful because

-it keeps all the info in one place

-it is stored on the computer

Journey Maps are a useful way to:

-Examine each step of a user experience or journey in more detail, highlighting key moments.

-In addition to examining the start and end point of an experience, they also encourage examining what happens before and after those moments.

-They can be created collaboratively and foster discussion.

-They mark the emotional journey as well as the behaviors of the user.


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