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Steve Portigal - Discover and Act on Insights

Top-line Summary

Participatory Design

You're involving other people in the process who bring different perspectives.
You're communicating with other team members, such as a developer or product manager.
Doesn't mean we implement the requested solution literally. "I wish it had a handle." Designers work with this data to generate alternatives.
Engage people in the non-literal through games and role playing
Undercover underlying principles and explore areas that don't yet exist
Indirect: new information into our culture
Madness in Methods
to provide fragments to the questions with the people
The "Lunch Buffet" Terminology

Ethnographic Interviews
Video Ethnograpphy
Depth Interviews
Contextual Research
Design Research

Overarching Framework

We examine people; we're exploring context
Gathering stories
What does the thing they are doing mean?
finding connections

Crowdsourcing: Reflecting on how their behaviors have changed with the product
Participatory Design: Discovering one's needs as it pertains to the product

Topline Summary - A preliminary outline of key themes and emerging ideas

Examine Using a range of methods:


To start a culture change we need to do two simple things

1. do dramatic story-worthy things
that represent the culture we want to create
2. find other people who do story-worthy things. then, tell stories about them.

Cultural Insights drive culture change and innovation

re-creating an ordinary task
latent behavior that participant wasn't aware of
revealed important framework


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