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Modelling as a Means of Surrendering to Control

The model usurps this artist as the newer provenance; not because the artist didn't do his or her part in purveying an exciting, edgy culture to the public;  but because the model accepts this role of improving upon an idea of close interaction between a user and a product. The model is shuffled and juxtaposed in a system of ideas as opposed to always becoming completely invisible and misunderstood beneath an interface that has been iterated and iterated, day-in, day-out.  The interaction with the model is a complex one; the myriad of solutions that he or she accumulates throughout past collaborations offers audiences an allegory of dreamy distinctness that becomes fully understood at a more leisurely pace with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts filling our newsfeeds and live chats. The presence in front of the camera challenges the artist's learning stance if the ideas have already been heard of, spoken and explored. Indeed, modelling is a means of surrendering to the control of that manipulation. The model develops a perspective of a reality that the artist or photographer wouldn't have possibly been aware of being in different shoes, at different places of that creative process. There is more control that models have gained of that creative intelligence, and this is where things have become quite messy with excessive control in artist communities.


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