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Future Modelling Projects

I've now been a male model for almost a year now. it wasn't in my goal to make this a career ambition or for fame and popularity. This is just a small facet of the content I want to provide that will hopefully shed some light on the fantastical, nightmarish, and at times, romantic ideas  I express through illustration, concept design and animation as an artist. There are just a few, several other artists that has been on my wish list to collaborate with that will fulfill these desires as a muse in the center of this grand, mystical universe of ours.

Some future projects include, but are not limited to, a Dual-Hatter cultural satire that'll consist of love letters to Gene Wilder's Wonka and Lewis Caroll's Mad Hatter, a sappy series of werewolves in the wildnerness and the many abandoned spaces of New England, a siren composing songs with a harp on a maine coast, transmogrifying seashells and crab spiders, an ancient pharaoh facepainted in charcoal liner;


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